This is a special guest post by Sean Morris of

Taking a step back from normal life allows many people to slow down and reevaluate what really matters to them. Whether you want a healthier lifestyle or a different career, making time to think about these important things can lead you down a new path.

However, it can be challenging to have abrupt changes in your routine. But if you feel confused about how to get back to normal, you’re not alone.

Staying healthy and living their best life remains a challenge for many Americans. Statistics show that only 22.9% of Americans meet physical activity guidelines. Here are four simple ways you can reset your routine and live with confidence.

How to Live with Confidence:

1. Exercise Regularly

Find physical activities you enjoy to maintain the habit of exercising regularly. Being physically active has many benefits for improving your mood and confidence level.

However, no matter how noble your intentions are, if you force yourself to commit to a routine that you dread, you are much more likely to quit entirely when you become overwhelmed.

Whether you want to lose weight or live longer, simple activities like walking are often enough to achieve your goals. In fact, walking is the main exercise in long-living societies like Japan.

Find something simple that you enjoy, and if you get off track, pick up right where you left off instead of overdoing it to make up.

Image by Tembela Bohle from

2. Create Your Dream Career

If you’re stuck in a job you don’t like, or you want to try something new, now might be the time to make the jump. Do some research online to figure out what basic training you need to pursue your goals. Break up your objectives into small steps so you can get started immediately.

If you’re not sure what you want to do, don’t be afraid to try different paths until you find one that resonates with you.

Or you may decide that you want to start your own business. This can be an excellent way to pursue a new career and follow your passion. However, keep in mind that starting a business requires a lot of hard work on your part, and may require you to seek funding to get things rolling.

Starting a new company will also require you to develop a business plan that outlines everything about your venture, from what services/products you’re providing to the way you intend to market your business.

But before diving in, make sure this is something you want to do. Owning a business is exciting and rewarding, but you have to put in the work to make it a success.

Image by RODNAE Productions from

3. Elevate Your Nutrition

If your food habits aren’t helping you feel your best, consider making some adjustments to your meals. Improving your diet can significantly enhance your mood and help you live with confidence.

Try out different diets to find what works best for you. Monitor the connection between the foods you eat and how you feel the next day or two.

Also, customize your diet based on your unique health goals. For instance, if you want to build muscle, counting your macros is an excellent way to ensure you are getting the proper balance of fat, protein, and carbs.

Or to improve your gut health, an elimination diet can help you find the foods that trigger your digestive issues. Consulting your doctor or a nutritionist is always a good bet when dealing with any health issues.

Image by Vo Thuy Tien from

4. Manage Your Stress

To live with confidence, it’s crucial to routinely de-stress. Meditation, yoga, mindfulness, and slow living are all great ways to lower your stress levels and increase your well-being. This enhanced feeling of well-being will make it easier for you to naturally feel more confident in your daily life.

However, you don’t need to commit hours per day to meditate to gain the benefits; even taking a short five-minute mindfulness break can help reduce anxiety.

Apps like Headspace and Calm also have guided sessions you can do in the morning, at night, or whenever you have a moment during your workday.

And if you live in an area that’s received a high walk score, chances are you have parks, restaurants, and different attractions within walking distance. Take advantage of this perk — not everyone has access to these types of neighborhoods.

Image by Max Nikhil Thimmayya from

Don’t Wait to Start Living with Confidence

By trying some of the tips above, whether it’s following your dreams of owning a business or simply managing your stress levels by walking, you can create a meaningful life that is aligned with your aspirations.

Be gentle with yourself as you develop healthier habits. It’ll make it easier to stick to your goals and feel good while doing it. We must remember that a good life is a marathon, not a sprint, so slow and steady wins the race.

About the Author

Sean Morris is a social worker turned stay-at-home dad. He has experience in managing a career with parenting, transitioning to a family-focused lifestyle, and a marriage that has lasted 20 beautiful years (and counting!). Sean believes in the LearnFit mission, which helps visitors live healthy lives, and offers his advice on healthy living, parenting, and career planning. Check it out here:

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