Mind Full Bloom is a mindful living and self improvement blog that empowers readers to improve their mindsets, grow in self-love, and transform their lives from the inside out.
About Me

Hi, I’m Soo (pronounced like Sue), I’m a Chinese-American aspiring writer, currently living and working Japan. I’m a Cali girl at heart, having lived in the Bay Area for the first half my life and then in Honolulu, Hawaii for the other half.
I’m passionate about travel, art, mindfulness, books, and everything self-improvement related. I inspire others to love themselves and their lives – just the way they are now, while still taking action to transform for the better. I share tips, personal stories, and advice for how to live a life full of passion, purpose, and confidence!
My Story
My love for travel started from a young age. Between the years of 2-6, my parents ran a horse arena business from our R.V. as we wandered around the U.S. I had visited over 30+ states by the time I was six.
We stayed in different states including Colorado, Michigan, West Virginia, and even on a sailboat in the beautiful Honolulu, Hawaii. While I was in elementary school, we settled back where we started, in the Bay Area of California.
Switching schools so many times made me feel like an outsider and like I could never just ‘fit in’. I developed severe anxiety which only got worse in middle and high school when my parents’ swimming pool business forced us to start traveling again.
But then when I was sixteen, I read the quote by John Milton, “The mind is its own place, and in itself can make a heaven of a hell, a hell of a heaven” and I decided I would change and take finally responsibility for my mindset.
I committed to figuring out why my mind made me so miserable and how to change it. I realized that if I was creating all this sadness and misery for myself, I could also learn to create joy, happiness and confidence too. I decided I would not give up until I transformed my mind and life into my own personal ‘heaven.’

I learned to meditate when I was seventeen years old. Since then, I’ve been practicing meditation and other cognitive techniques to overcome anxiety and grow in self-confidence. It was definitely not easy, and I was not always consistent with my practice or improvement. But my efforts in meditation and personal-growth have definitely paid off many times over.
Fast forward 13 years and I can honestly say I’m at the happiest place I’ve ever been in my life. I’m married to the man of my dreams and we just started a new adventure together living abroad in Japan. Now on most days, I wake up feeling happy, inspired, and excited about where life will take me next.
Why I Started the Mind Full Bloom Blog
I started this blog to share my journey with others in hopes readers will remember they’re not alone and that whatever difficult situation they’re going through – that it gets better.
I’m living proof that putting in the time and effort to improve upon your self (mindset, habits, lifestyle) reaps huge benefits in your mental, emotional, and physical well-being.
Practicing mindfulness and embarking on a personal-growth journey has truly been life changing for me. While my life is not perfect, and I still have bad days, I’m so much more happier, calmer, and confident than I could have ever imagined years ago.
My goal is to share what I’ve learned through the years, and what I’m still striving to learn, about: self-improvement, mindfulness, self-confidence and intentional living. I’m still figuring out what it means to live life to the fullest and how to show up as my most confident, authentic self. This blog will share my experiences, struggles, wins, failures and lessons learned along the way.
So join me on this journey of self-discovery and growing into a truly full life. Let’s connect and support each other along the way!