The world is a crazy place. It’s so easy to feel lost and wonder what the point of living is. Some people are completely happy to never think of these things. But if you’re like me, then you’re constantly seeking a sense of purpose in your life.
Without purpose, life feels like a cruel punishment. We feel lost, hopeless, and disconnected from the world around us. We can’t find answers to questions like:
What’s the point of living?
Why try so hard?
Why do I feel so empty?
We can push these thoughts away and try to pretend we’re okay. Or, we can use them as catalysts to awaken our higher, spiritual selves.
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Be a Spiritual Gangster
Spirituality gives us the perspective that there’s more to this world beyond just what our eyes can see. This doesn’t mean we have to renounce physical things or run off to live in a cave in the Himalayas.
Instead, spirituality gives us the motivation to keep going when life is tough. It inspires us to become our best selves and to live with purpose, passion, and compassion.
So how do we become more spiritual? And where to start with spiritual books?

Seeking to Live With Purpose
I’ve been a spiritual seeker since I was a young child. My family was Christian, but we hardly ever attended church. So I took it upon myself to read the Bible and self-study. However, in my teenage years, traditional religion no longer aligned with my personal beliefs.
I became jaded with religion and with God. I resented God for not answering my prayers. I felt like he didn’t care about me, nor did the rest of the world. I didn’t know who I was, where I was going, or what the point was of even trying.
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On top of that, intense social anxiety made me feel even more isolated and alone. I felt trapped by constant neurotic thoughts and irrational fears. I was drowning in a pool of self-pity and victimhood.

Books Saved My Life
Then I read my first spiritual book – Eckhart Tolle’s A New Earth: Awakening to Your Life’s Purpose and my life was forever changed.
This book completely caught me by surprise. Had I known it was about mindfulness and dissolving the ego – I would have never picked it up. It helped me realize I was more than just the voice inside my head. That I could simply be aware of my thoughts without having to be controlled by them.
My anxiety eventually improved, but it was a slow, difficult process. However, being able to connect with a deeper part of myself through spirituality helped me to stay hopeful even through my darkest moments. I started a regular meditation practice and discovered a newfound spirituality that was not tied to a single religion.
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So which is the best, or most important spiritual books to read?
Read on for the 3 Most Important Spiritual Books that Helped Me to Live with Purpose. These books continue to inspire me whenever I feel lost or want to give up. They help me make sense of my choices and life experiences. I hope they’ll do the same for you.
The Most Important Spiritual Books that Helped Me to Live with Purpose:
1. Seat of the Soul

Around 2015 I first purchased this book because Oprah said it completely changed her life. But, at first, I couldn’t even get myself to finish the first chapter. It was too woo woo-ey for me and hard to understand.
However, two years later I found myself in a tough place. I had broken up with my boyfriend and had lost my father within the same year. I was renting a small room in a run-down area so I could afford to focus on college full-time. I absolutely hated my job and had no idea where I was going in life.

I needed motivation to keep going, to keep trying. To find a sense of purpose and connection, instead of feeling like I was all alone. But then I picked up Seat of the Soul that I had kept for two whole years on my bookshelf but never touched.
A New Perspective
Suddenly, the book made perfect sense to me. It was exactly what I needed to hear at that time in my life.
Seat of the Soul, by Gary Zukav, outlines a detailed, holistic spiritual life philosophy. It teaches that in every moment we have the power to choose love and let go of patterns of fear-based thinking and behavior. That we can live with purpose by aligning with the energy of our soul rather than letting our ego run our lives.
This helped me to connect to my Higher self. I developed a newfound sense of responsibility for my thoughts, choices and life experiences. It made me believe that I had the power to change my life for the better by making better choices. And those choices started from within.
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2. A New Earth: Awakening to Your Life’s Purpose

I also found this book through the amazing Oprah. As I mentioned earlier, this book changed my life because it made me realize I was more than my thoughts.
This gave me inner space around anxious, self-defeating mindsets. It made me understand the transformative power of meditation and mindfulness. Without this understanding I wouldn’t be motivated to meditate every day.
It also made me realize a new meaning for life. That we are spiritual beings evolving our consciousness to the next level. This wisdom in this book is based on Buddhist Zen philosophy. But Tolle explains it in a modern way and relates it to our everyday lives.
Our Unhappy Selves
Eckhart Tolle’s story is one I think we can all relate to. He had a nice, normal life – working towards higher education at a distinguished college in England. However, he could not escape from his incessant negative thoughts. He suffered from depression, low self esteem and was seriously contemplating suicide.
Then one day he had a moment of enlightenment. He discovered a stillness within him and realized there was more to his existence than just his thoughts. This led him to study Zen Buddhism and to share his wisdom through teaching.
A New Earth will help you understand and free yourself from the ‘unhappy self’ of the ego that constantly bombards our lives.
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3. Courage: The Joy of Living Dangerously

This is not your average run of the mill spirituality book. But the author and spiritual teacher Osho is quite controversial. His following became a cult that participated in violence and other corrupt acts. I don’t condone this behavior at all. However, I still think his books have profound teachings on spirituality and meditation.
When I first read this book, my mind was blown. This is now my favorite book of ALL TIME. In Courage, Osho describes a heart-filled, bold life philosophy. This book made me look at life with new meaning and enthusiasm. I realized the importance of facing my fears and living heart. It changed my perspective to view life as a daring adventure rather than a curse.
Embracing the Unknown
Osho explains that courage is vital for both our inner and outer lives. That spirituality is about embracing the unknown within ourselves. And that every time we choose to face the unknown, both within and without, we open up new opportunities.
This book made me perceive the value of courage in a whole new way. Living with courage means living a heart centered life. Because courage is the energy of our heart and aligned with our essential spirit.
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How to Live with Purpose?
When we think of purpose, we often equate it with only serving others. Of course, serving others is important and creates a rewarding life. But spirituality can give us a new understanding of purpose that is not based on our actions alone.
By connecting with a deeper part of ourselves, we can find the motivation to keep going even when life gets tough. There’s so many theories, teachings and life philosophies out there. But ultimately there is no one ‘right’ truth or best way to live life.
However, learn to trust your gut and your own ‘inner wisdom.’ If wisdom you find through books is right for you – you’ll know it. The words will ring true in your gut.
Closing Thoughts
These are the most important spiritual books that kicked off my spiritual journey. Whenever I feel down or lost, I reread this books and am reminded of values beyond mere materialistic ones.
There are many ways to find inspiration and purpose in life, but for me it’s always been through reading. I hope these books will kickoff your own spiritual journey and help you to live with purpose like they have for me.
Thank you for reading my blog! Which books have had the most impact in your life? Leave me a comment below. I’d love to check them out too!
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Very good article. I absolutely love this site. Thanks!